Leaving No One Behind remains central to the attainment of the SDGs agenda. Translating the LNoB principles into action requires sufficient evidence to guide all efforts by the United Nations System and the broader Government of Uganda to address the biases and exclusion practices. As a step to build on the required evidence, in collaboration with the SDG Secretariat – the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda and the broader UN System in Uganda, UN Women undertook a national-level assessment to establish the subpopulations marginalized or at heightened risk of being left behind, attain reasons why and proposed strategic recommendations to reduce the risk of marginalization or being left behind. The study is led by a Team of experts covering both Humanitarian and development contexts in Uganda.

Fieldwork was concluded in June 2023, and preliminary findings were presented at a multi-stakeholder meeting in June and later at the 2nd National SDG Conference in Early July 2023. In addition, the report has undergone a series of UN system-wide consultations and validation processes working with the UNSDCF Outcome Results Groups. Critical observations and recommendations to improve the findings have been made. A core Team meeting was therefore convened for 3days and considered all suggestions given, edited, and worked with a professional team from UBOS and SDG Secretariat to produce a finer copy, ahead of the High-Level SDG Summit in September 2023.

The purpose of the Retreat was to support a validation for the LNOB report.  Leaving No One Behind remains one of the key principles of the SDGs agenda. The purpose was to critically review survey findings on the five Ps that is People, Peace, Prosperity, Planet, and Partnerships in detail and refocus, consolidate, and improve the general structure of the report for quality presentation and inform the National position paper for SDG Summit due to take place in NY in September 2023. UN Women-led and undertook a national-level assessment in collaboration with the OPM to establish the subpopulations at risk of being left behind, underscore the underlying factors, progress being made to address those factors at both policy and programmatic levels propose an institutional framework and capacity gaps for strengthening as well as recommendations to reduce the risk of marginalization and exclusion.

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