Seeking to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, Uganda’s sustainable development aspirations are delivered through a number of interlinked strategies and plans, including the UN-Level 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the African Union Agenda 2063 and Uganda’s own National Development Plans and other strategies. Partners and stakeholders all generally agree on the need to continually and regularly follow up and review these frameworks to ensure that the country, both at national and at subnational levels, is on track to achieve sustainable development.
It is against this backdrop that the Government of Uganda proposes a national level annual forum that brings together different partners with interest in sustainable development, to foster mutual learning and help both state and non-state actors to accelerate implementation of the various frameworks. This Platform shall hereafter be referred to as the Uganda Annual Sustainable Development Conference (ASDC-UG). This demonstrates that while the forum will be coordinated by the SDG Secretariat in the Office of the Prime Minister and therefore will focus greatly on Uganda’s progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there may be forums that are intended to tackle other related but broader sustainable development issues and topics. The initial forum, however, will look closely at the SDGs.
As a means of accelerating the implementation of the new SDG roadmap, building a strong leadership culture and popularizing the SDGs, the Government of Uganda, through coordination by the Office of the Prime Minister has initiated a domestic platform – the Uganda Annual Sustainable Development Goals Conference – for expedited follow-up, review and validation of progress made on the SDGs and the African Union Agenda 2063, as well as on all commitments and recommendations in the country’s second Voluntary National Review (VNR) Report.
It is expected that the annual conference will facilitate sharing of ideas and good practices at local and national level, and catalyze actions to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the associated SDGs. The planned SDG annual event will also facilitate sharing and analyzing national progress on SDGs and prepare different stakeholders to participate in the annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) as it will draw key messages, which will be a collective input to the HLPF on all the deliberations of the conference.
The ASDGC-UG shall be a multi-stakeholder platform organized jointly by the Government of Uganda under the Office of the Prime Minister in collaboration with the United Nations in Uganda and other development partners, civil society, academia, the private sector and local governments for peer learning. It will be hosted by the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister whose office is responsible for the 2030 Agenda coordination in Uganda but also draws participation of Cabinet Ministers, Senior Government Officials, local authorities, United Nations Experts, Private sector, Civil Society Organizations and the Academia to share progress against the SDG indicators and respective targets.
The first Uganda Annual Sustainable Development Goals Conference (ASDGC-UG) will be held from June 16-17, 2022 under the theme, “Building Effective Models to accelerate the SDGs in the Post COVID-19 Era”. The opening of the conference will be officiated by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of the Republic of Uganda. The ASDGC-UG 2022 is premised on the need to foster stakeholder reviews on the SDG Progress Report 2021 and to reflect on the impact of COVID-19 in the implementation of national priorities highlighted in the Third National Development Plan (NDP III). The conference will also focus on mobilizing partners to support implementation of the new SDG Roadmap (2021-2025) and continuously building momentum and for a cohesive national SDG Coordination Framework.
The ASDGC-UG 2022 will be conducted under the three sub themes:
● Priorities and financing to Accelerate the 2030 Agenda
● “Leaving No One Behind”: Technology, Data & Evidence for Social Protection
● Local Authorities delivering on the SDG promise.
The conference will be held in a hybrid format, allowing for both in-person and online participation. The details for both options will be made available as soon as they are finalized. Further information on the ASDGC-UG 2022, including technical reports and electronic resources, will be posted at
The ASDGC-UG 2022 is aimed at providing a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas, experiences and lessons learned in the implementation of 2030 Agenda. It is a unique opportunity for stakeholders to organize side-events which will feed into the overall conference deliberations. The ASDG-UG2022 will therefore host a number of side events to allow stakeholders to share good practices and success stories.
All partners and stakeholders are invited to submit their proposals for side events using the side event request form with detailed concepts by May 30, 2022. Please note that Side Events will be hosted on June 14 and 15, 2022 as pre conference activities.
Side Events Focus
It is vital for organizers to note that these events should be organized with the objective of sharing experiences, best practices and innovative perspectives on the themes and subthemes of the ASDGC-UG 2022 and should strengthen partnerships and the means of Goal implementation. The outcome of the side event should inform the overall outcome of the SDG conference.
Side Events Format
● The side event should last no longer than 1 and 1/2 hours.
● Organizers will hold purely virtual side events.
● It is the responsibility of the organizers to mobilize participants for the side event.
Selection criterion
● Any entity or group of entities interested in organizing a side event during the Uganda Annual SDG Conference 2022 can submit a proposal;
● Owing to time and other considerations, however, each interested organizer cannot be involved in more than one side event;
● The submission must be on the event request form, providing a detailed description of the event (one – pager), the organizers, partners, panelists and speakers, and how the event would contribute to discussions on the main theme or one or more of the sub themes of the conference;
● The theme of the side event should relate to at least one of the sub-themes of the conference or be cross-cutting in nature;
● Consideration should be given to gender balance and geography (including local government) in the choice of speakers and panelists;
● The format of the side event should ensure broad stakeholder participation.
Event organizers will be informed of the results of the selection process and a list of all registered pre-events and side events will be published after the registration process has been completed.
Submit Side event concept note and a completed side event request form to, with copy to both
Name: Pascal Byarugaba
Email address:
Name: Onesmus Kansiime:
ASDGC 2022 About Side Events
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ASDGC 2022 Side Event Request form
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