The UASDGC23 will feature a series of integrated activities and high-level meetings. Proposed for June 22-23, 2023, the Conference will also feature a series of capacity building workshops for young people in innovation an technology for development, exhibitions, expert panels, and
plenary presentations highlighting progress made towards the attainment of the 2030 SDG targets. Below are detailed highlights of key events/activities.

Methodology (Pre-conference and other activities during the Week)
i. SDG Skills Building workshops targeting young people in innovations and technology for development. The SDG Skills Building Workshop will aim at knowledge and skills acquisition, networking, sharing experiences and peer to peer collaboration, learning about practical actions and solutions to SDG challenges, and capacity building among others. The skills building workshops will be organized at regional levels just a day before the regional forums to generate and highlight opportunities and challenges faced by young people during the forums.
With similar objectives lie the regional skills building workshops, the national skills building workshop will be held on June 21, 2023, to also generate key messages to be presented during the national conference.
ii. SDG exhibitions that will run from 22-23 June 2023. The Community village will provide a platform for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas, experiences, showcase of innovations and new ideas in localizing SDGs as well as best practices in promoting partnerships, building resilient communities and responding to climate challenges in Uganda. It will be a unique opportunity for individuals and organizations to have an audience for their work towards the attainment of the 2030 SDG Agenda and African Union Agenda 2063.

iii. Regional SDG festivals and forums
a) SDG Festivals. These will precede the Conference to allow for participation and learning from local government actors clustered according to geographical location and ease of proximity in the regional cities/districts. The regional SDG festivals will be organized in
Eastern (Jinja), Northern Uganda (Lira City), Western (Mbarara), and Central (Mubende). The activities will include mobilization and popularization, regional walks, tree planting, citizen parliaments (barazas), promotional events on the local media and stakeholder consultations.
These will be coordinated alongside the 23 Champions whose institutions participated in the June 2022 SDG Fellowship organized by the Danida Fellowship Centre and sponsored by the Royal Danish Embassy in Uganda.
b) Regional SDG Forums. Like it was in the first conference last year, the regional forums will be organized for 1 day and will bring together different district leaders from within the region to have a technical reflection. The participants will include leaders from the hosting district/City, CSOs, children and private sector, leaders from neighboring districts. The regional forums will draw up actions and key messages for the SDG conference. The regional forums will be preceded by the two (2) day regional festivals and will be hosted in the same districts/cities as is for the festivals. Western Uganda -Mbarara City May 18, 2023, Eastern Region-in Jinja City on May 25, 2023, Central Uganda-in Mubende on June 1, 2023, and Northern Uganda-in Lira City on June 8, 2023

(iv) The National People’s SDG Festival 2023; this will be a 2-days national event prior to the SDG conference led by media and communities running concurrently in different parts of the country. It will be a people-centered festival meant to inspire, mobilize, and connect people
and organizations to act on the SDGs. This festival will be physical with different stages/spaces, featuring plenary sessions; citizen talks (citizen panels); performances; interactive workshops; exhibitions (Ministries, Departments, Agencies, LGs, private sector, CSOs, etc) and leader-citizen discussions; activists; private sector; political parties; student shows; youth, women and PWDs shows and more. This Festival will be organized as a CSO village at Serena Conference Centre before and during the conference.
(v) Side Events: The side events will be hosted virtually on June 19-20, 2023. Institutions and individuals are encouraged to apply to host these side events and showcase their work and contribution towards SDGs and A2063
This conference provides an opportunity for all Government stakeholders to participate and showcase their contributions toward sustainable development and the Agenda 2063 A spirations. A sponsorship package has also been developed to guide on how different partners
and stakeholders can contribute and the level of recognition accorded to them. All prospective partners and participants are encouraged to contact the SDG Secretariat and or visit the SDG Secretariat website at for more information on the conference, side
events, exhibitions, regional SDG festivals.
Target Participants for the UASDGC23
The Conference will provide for both physical and virtual participation. The 2nd Edition of the Uganda Annual SDG conference 2023 will bring together participants and stakeholders from Ministries, high-level policymakers, officers and experts from Ministries, Departments and
Agencies, UN Agencies, African Union Civil Society Organizations, faith and cultural leaders,
Business and Industry Organizations, Academia and Research Institutions, Development Partners, International participants including regional UN offices and Media. The Conference will be officiated and attended by:
• H.E, the President of the Republic of Uganda
• HE: the Vice President
• The Rt. Hon Speaker of Parliament of Uganda
• His Worship the Chief Justice
• The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda
• The Minister for General Duties/Focal Point Minister for SDGs
• Ministers from Government Ministries
• The UN Resident Coordinator, Heads of UN Agencies in Uganda, Heads of Missions
• Ministers and Technical Officers from Ministries, Departments and Agencies
• Heads and Representatives of the Private Sector
• Representatives of the Civil Society Organizations
• Religious and cultural institutions
• Academia, Research and Policy Think Tanks
• Key Development Partners and International participants

Communication and Logistics
Information on the UASDGC23 and the embedded activities will be shared on the SDG Secretariat websites to ease access to all events’ materials and information including program, travel details, registration forms, exhibitions and side event applications/information. The Conference will also have social publications that are through newspaper, magazine, posters, and flyers. These will be printed and circulated to the concerned different entities as a means of promoting the events.
The events will have Information, Education and Communication materials aiming to educate different gender, age and social groups about the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the 2063 Agenda. Furthermore, there will be direct mailing, outdoor advertising, radio and
TV broadcast as a part of the communication plan within a comprehensive strategy for these events.
The National Organizing Committee
This committee will be responsible for the development and drafting of standards, developing and managing the programs, and fundraising for the event. The Organizing Committee will comprise of.
• Representatives from the Government
• Representatives from the United Nations Systems
• Civil Society Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations
• The Private Sector and Academia and other development partners.
Different Sub Committees will be formed during the first meeting of the Organizing committee
to manage the different aspects of the conference. These will include among others Technical Committee, Communication Committee, Logistics Committee and Security and Protocol
Committee. The SDG Secretariat will chair and house the national organizing committee with
support of UN RCO (representing the UN family) and Uganda National NGO Forum (representing CSOs/INGOs) as co-chairs. The SDG Secretariat with support of the national organizing committee will provide overall coordination and Secretariat services for organizing and
logistics management related to the Second Uganda Annual SDG Conference 2023