The Rt Hon Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, while opening the High Level Policy Dialogue

On February 28th, 2024, Makerere University’s College of Business and Management Sciences hosted a High-Level Policy Dialogue focused on “Accelerating the Sustainable Development Goals through leveraging Innovative Financing, the Parish Development Model, and Science and Technology.” Co-organized by UNDP, the Office of the Prime Minister, the National Planning Authority, and Makerere University, this event gathered political leaders, policymakers, SDG experts, academicians, private sector representatives, and civil society actors.

In her opening remarks, Prime Minister Nabbanja highlighted the urgency of intensifying efforts to meet the 2030 SDG deadline, noting Uganda’s mixed progress and significant gaps. She emphasized the importance of innovative financing, mentioning strategies like Public Investment Financing (PIF) and Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM). Nabbanja called for exploring various financing mechanisms, including Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and green financing, to address the substantial funding gaps. Additionally, Nabbanja highlighted the crucial role of science and technology in driving socio-economic transformation and achieving SDGs. She mentioned the establishment of a National Science Technology and Innovation System and the Digital Transformation Roadmap (DTR) 2023-2027. The Prime Minister urged academia, the private sector, and the government to collaborate closely to advance digital innovations and ensure broad societal benefits.

Prof Jeffrey Sachs delivers a keynote address at the High Level Policy Dialogue


Keynote speaker Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, a distinguished economist and sustainable development expert from Columbia University, shared his insights on the event’s theme. Sachs, who is well-known for his work on global economic development and his role as a senior advisor to the United Nations, visited Uganda upon the invitation of Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja. Professor Sachs’ keynote address elaborated on the alignment of Uganda’s development priorities with SDG accelerators, emphasizing education, health, sustainable agriculture, green energy, sustainable urbanization, and digitization. He provided insights into leveraging the PDM for better SDG results and discussed alternative financing options tailored to Uganda’s context. Sachs also highlighted the potential of science and technology to address social and economic inequalities and promote inclusive growth.

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