Presentation of Uganda’s Third Voluntary National Review Report at the High Level Political Forum (15th July 2024)
Read full VNR Report via: Uganda’s Third Voluntary National Review Report 2024
This year, Uganda was among the 37 Countries that presented their Voluntary National Review (VNR) reports. Uganda was presenting a third review report having presented the first and second in 2016 and 2020 respectively. The VNR report was developed through a consultative process including Civil Society Organizations, private sector, academia, youth organizations.
The participation was also informed by the SDG Summit commitments in which Uganda developed six transformative actions. These commitments focus on actions to accelerate: (i) Leaving No One Behind agenda through the inclusive Parish Development Model (ii) inclusive actions for trade financing and climate-smart investments; (iii) leveraging science, technology, and innovation; (iv) inclusive economic and social development through climate change adaptation and mitigation; (v) harnessing the full potential of data and (vi) strengthening SDG coordination and service delivery mechanisms. Additionally, national level actions including sharing the outcomes of the third SDG conference and the Parish Development Model implementation and other local actions coordinated by different MDAs informed Uganda’s participation. Through the VNR presentation and side events, Uganda shared its good practices with the rest of member states.
Watch the video via: Uganda’s Third VNR Video Presentation
This SDG journey Video was presented at the High Level Political Forum during the Presentation of Uganda’s third VNR on 15th July 2024. The video aims to increase public awareness of Uganda’s commitment and progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), showcase successful initiatives and ongoing efforts in sustainable development, and inspire both local and global engagement in achieving these goals.