Uganda 3rd VNR Online Platform Voluntary National Reviews play a pivotal role in facilitating the exchange of experiences, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned, to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. These reviews...
The head of the National SDG Secretariat attended the African Agribusiness Incubation Conference and Expo-2023, at Abuja Nigeria, 26th-29th June 2023 and presented a paper on Business incubation and acceleration in creating investment opportunities,...
In the past seven years of SDG implementation, Uganda has made considerable progress with an improved Global ranking of 136 out of 163 countries (from 143/163 in 2021), an average score of 54.9...
In preparation for the 2023 National SDG Conference, the Office of the Prime Minister, in collaboration with the SDG Secretariat and the Uganda National NGO Forum, partnered with the SDG champions, World Vision Uganda,...
This Workshop on the SDG Localisation and Voluntary Local Reviews was held on 28th – 29th June, 2023 at Ridar Hotel Seeta convened by the National SDG Secretariat Office of the Prime Minister. The...
Leaving No One Behind remains central to the attainment of the SDGs agenda. Translating the LNoB principles into action requires sufficient evidence to guide all efforts by the United Nations System and the broader...
In October 2022, the Cabinet through the Memorandum CT (2022) 130 on the Implementation Status and Progress of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda approved the proposed measures to accelerate the attainment...
The Government of Uganda, under the overall coordination of the Office of the Prime Minister, initiated a domestic review platform that would expedite follow-up, review and validate progress made on the implementation of the...
Uganda participated in the United Nations Conference on the “Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, ‘Water for Sustainable Development’, 2018–2028” in New York, from 22nd...
The benefits of producing a local review are numerous and are reaped at multiple levels. Local reviews provide a space for local and regional governments to report and share their progress on attaining the...